Quarantine Is the Ideal Time to Work With an Interior Designer

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Life in quarantine can be challenging. Many of our usual avenues of communication are no longer viable and on top of that, we're all trapped inside our homes forced to examine the reality of the four walls surrounding us. And in some cases, our less than ideal interior design. But just because it's no longer safe to go outside and look, touch, and explore all of the latest design trends with an interior designer in person doesn't mean that all of your home design plans have to be put on hold.

In fact, now is the perfect time to work with an interior designer virtually!

One of the most important aspects of home design, and one of the most difficult aspects for interior designers, is crafting the perfect mix of trends, styles, and vibes to match the customer's desires for their home, something that we take seriously here at Ana Maria Designs. This relates to the paint color on the walls, the furniture in the room,  to even the throw pillows adorning the couch. And the easiest way to make sure that you get the best results, and that your interior designer brings your home to its full potential, is to have clear ideas about what you want.

Stuck inside our homes with what seems like limitless free time (outside of those pesky Zoom calls for work!) is the ideal time to clarify, compile, and create your vision for what you want your home to be. Draft some detailed emails, create a Pinterest board, hop online for a video call, or take advantage of our Design Your Own service.  Scroll through our project galleries and to find examples of rooms you love. Take the time to point out which aspects you enjoy, arrange a folder of concept pictures, furniture pieces that you love,  wall art that inspires you, and colors and fabrics that spark joy.

Ana Maria Designs is always happy to discuss your home design projects, even while in quarantine, so send us a note or book a call today.