Create an Interactive and Engaging Kids Play Space

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Taking into account how children will use the space is the key to designing an interactive and engaging kids play space. The next step is to create a zone for each function. Most play spaces have a zone for active play, creative expression, relaxation, and storage. These design ideas are meant to make each zone functional and fun. These tips maximize the use of vertical space to fit as opportunities to engage as possible.

Active Play Zone

1. A physical play area encourages movement with a climbing wall,  an indoor swing, or a ladder that hangs from the ceiling.

2. Falls happen. Soft flooring options like carpeting or gel floor tiles cushion falls.

3. Adding a sensory board to the wall gives children another way to engage.

4. Remember to leave empty space for floor play.

Creative Expression Zone

6. Since many little ones enjoy writing on walls,  a wall covered in chalkboard wallpaper gives them a guilt-free place to do it.

7. A magnetic board can grow with the children. As the kids get older, the number and letter magnets can be swapped out for word magnets.

8. It's helpful to have a table in this area for arts and crafts. A table that has a storage compartment for art supplies is ideal. An alternative is having a dedicated basket to store art supplies.

Relaxation Zone

9. For children who read while relaxing, a bench topped with a cushion works well.

10. Installing a tent, fort, or castle is great for little ones who enjoy relaxing in their own secret hideaway.

Storage Zone

11. Toys can go in baskets that are kept in the hollow space under a bench. For safety, the hollow space should open from the front instead of the top.

12. An attractive wicker hamper can store toys that are too large to fit in a basket on a shelf.