Create a Beautiful Home Office Space

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Having a visually appealing office space in your home is so important. It allows your mind to think freely and creatively. You will spend hours in this space, so it is crucial that your work space matches the comfort and beauty of the rest of your home. Whether you have a desk in the corner or a completely separate room, here are four must-haves in any beautiful home office space:

1. Natural Light

Natural lighting just does something for our minds and bodies. There are multiple studies that praise the benefits of working in natural light. This article from the New York Times highlights how greater amounts of artificial light, rather than natural light, can lower productivity. So first things first, make sure your desk is positioned near a window that allows plenty of sunlight to come through.

2. Plenty of Color

Colorful spaces always draw our attention. A monochromatic space without any pops of color may stifle your creativity and can make you feel bored. To make your home office more visually appealing and thought- provoking, add some color. This does not mean you have to paint the walls! Find a poster, a painting, or a fabric canvas to hang on the walls. Play around with textures, too! A faux fur rug or a wooden sculpture on your desk may be exactly what your home office needs to keep those productive juices flowing. 

3. Methods of Organization

Keeping an organized space may not seem fun or creative, but it certainly will create a beautiful home office space. Just looking at a desk piled high with papers and junk can cause anxiety and make you feel overwhelmed, while an organized desk will save you time in looking for important papers or items. Plus, sitting at a clean desk will give you the freedom to think creatively, rather than being stressed about the stack of papers in front of you. This applies to your laptop or desktop as well! 

4. Lots of Life 

Add a few plants or even a small fish tank to your home office! Bringing the outdoors in is a great way to keep you from feeling like you are stuck inside. Afraid of your brown thumb? This article lists 30 easy houseplants that will be hard to kill and make a wonderful addition to your workspace. 

These are four simple ways you can create a beautiful home office space. Be sure to check out other articles on our blog for more inspiration!