5 Indoor Plants that Can Add Life to Your Space

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Indoor plants are a great way to invigorate your space. A little greenery can go a long way to helping your home feel comfortable and look gorgeous. Here are five indoor plants that make great additions to your interior design.

Aloe Vera

What is better than getting skincare and a decorative plant all in one? The Aloe Vera plant can come in the smallest potted size or be as big as a small tree. This plant can survive for a few weeks without water, so it is ideal for someone who is always on a busy schedule or even just wants to minimize daily chores. The plant can live for several years, so it can be a long-term companion!

Dumb Cane

This plant is perfect for dark to light conditions. Although it does not like to be in direct sunlight, it is ideal for any indoor situation. It can grow around six feet tall, so it may be better in a room with more space. Although it is beautiful with the unique patterns on every leaf, it is not recommended for cat and dog owners, as it can be toxic to our furry friends.

Spider Plant

This is a small flower that eventually blossoms into a festive, confetti-like plant with the arms dangling from the base. Nothing like the insect it shares its name with, the spider plant is very pleasant and sure to uplift any room it is placed in. It doesn't need daily watering, and it is actually best for the spider plant to dry in between each bath. It can grow up to three feet, so you don't need an immense amount of space for this lovely plant. 

Peace Lily

The peace lily is a classic in any household. It can grow as tall as four feet and features beautiful white flowers that resemble a white flag, hence the name. The best part about this plant is that it lets you know when it needs water! It is recommended to water as soon as it starts to hang or droop down. 

Lucky Bamboo

The lucky bamboo is definitely a unique plant that thrives in higher temperatures. It is extremely versatile as it can grow straight up or take the most interesting twists and turns. They are also hard to kill which, once again, makes it a plus for busy individuals. The plant itself can survive in soil or pebbles and water. It is known that they bring the household good luck, so there are plenty of reasons to own this wonderful plant.

Any of these plants will bring some wonderful energy to your home. If you’re looking for more ways to freshen up your space, we’d love to help!